On The Jellicoe Road

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On The Jellicoe Road

byMelina Marchetta

Taylor Markham is not a popular choice. She is erratic, has no people skills and never turns up to meetings. Not to mention the incident when she ran off in search of her mother and only got halfway there. But she's lived at Jellicoe School most of her life and as leader of the boarders that's her greatest asset. Especially now the cadets, led by the infamous Jonah Griggs, have arrived. The territory wars between the boarders, townies and cadets are about to recommence. But Taylor has other things on her mind: a prayer tree, the hermit who whispered in her ear, and a vaguely familiar drawing in the local police station. Taylor wants to understand the mystery of her own past. But Hannah, the woman who found her, has suddenly disappeared, leaving nothing but an unfinished manuscript about five kids whose lives entwined twenty years ago on the Jellicoe Road . . . Visit betweenthelines.com.au- the destination for Young Adult books. '...... you'll be very impressed!' - Girlfriend 'I've been reading on trains for 16 years and never missed my stop - untiI now. ...... One to lose yourself in.' - Who Weekly 'This is Marchetta's most sophisticated novel; it opens cryptically and is imbued with subtle mystery that crisply unfolds in uncluttered, evocative prose...... ' - The Australian 'this book is brilliant, and should exceed the expectations of even those who loved Alibrandi .' - The Canberra Times 'Marchetta is a master at creating intriguing characters and her stories are heartfelt...... she is without doubt a gifted writer.' - Sydney Morning Herald



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